Does your neighbor have a tree that extends beyond their property, perhaps even stretching precariously over your residence? Or do you have a tree that has branches hanging over your neighbor’s yard? Do you ever wonder who would be held responsible for any property damage or cleanup caused by neighboring trees?
Homeowners in Logan, Utah, are responsible for maintaining the trees on their property by removing any dead limbs or trees that are at high risk for falling. Only a certified arborist can help you determine the health of your trees and recommend any preventative tree care services to ensure the safety and integrity of your property. In fact, healthy trees can easily be pruned to keep you and your neighbors homes safe.
Preventative Tree Care Tips
1. Review Your Property Line. First and foremost, locate whose property a problem tree is located on. Keep in
mind that a fence does not always indicate a correct property line. Review the deed to your property to verify
exactly where your property lines are located.
2. Talk To Your Neighbor. Open communication and friendly conversation is the best way to manage
preventative tree care while fostering neighboring relationships. If you feel more comfortable getting a
professional opinion, contact the certified arborists at Mountain West Arbor Care. We can help evaluate the
situation and talk to your neighbor with you. We can also write a letter, complete with our findings and
recommendations to send to your neighbor as proof of your concerns.
3. Plan Before You Cut. Never attempt to prune or cut a tree without a plan. Neighbors can often be
uncooperative when it comes to maintaining their trees and paying for preventative tree care services. The
certified arborists at Mountain West Arbor Care can help talk to the owner of a problematic tree and offer
recommendations as well as staged-treatment plan options. This is the best way to proceed in situations where
neighbors have a strained or tense relationship.
Communicate Before You Cut
You may be wondering why you should talk to your neighbor at all when it comes to treating, cutting or eliminating parts of a tree that reach your property. Well, there are a few important reasons. If you don’t cut or prune a tree correctly, you could significantly or even permanently damage a tree. If that happens, you could be legally liable for the tree. The value of many mature, hardwood trees can be expensive if it becomes an issue in court.
If you cut or prune a tree without a plan, you could also put your safety and the safety of your neighbors at risk. Even if you make a successful cut, long-term damage can lead to a sick or dying tree. A sick or dying tree can be hard to diagnose – leading to the risk of it falling over or shedding large limbs unexpectedly. Communicating with your neighbor and having a certified arborist talk to them is the best way to ensure the safety and beauty of a tree.
While having issues with certain neighbors are quite common, it’s NOT common to take matters into your own hands. Give Mountain West Arbor Care a call. Our certified arborists will be more than happy to talk to your neighbor to help resolve things with our preventative tree care services. Contact us at 1.800.767.8733