We all know that the temperatures get high during the summer months in Boise. Typically, starting in July, we can expect high temperatures through August and into September. With high temperatures come higher cooling costs.
With strategic planting of shade trees you can beautify your landscape while subsequently shading your house. More shade means less energy and that has a direct impact on your cooling costs. Beyond cooling your property there are a number of other added benefits to investing in shade trees. Our ISA Certified Arborist in Boise outlines the benefits of shade trees below.
What is a shade tree?
Let’s start with the basics. Like the name implies, a shade tree is a tree grown for shade. These are usually large growth trees with wide, spreading canopies. Strategically planted shade trees will not only provide shade for your house, but can also serve as a windbreak.
There are many types of popular shade trees including weeping willows, maples, and elms.
Summer Energy Savings
You may have noticed I’ve said “strategic planting” a number of times already. As any ISA Certified Arborist will tell you, planning the locations of your shade trees is crucial for maximizing their cooling benefits.
You’ll get the most summer cooling from your shade trees by planting them on the east, west, and northwest sides of your home. Also, if you can provide shade for your air conditioning unit you’ll add to your savings. The cooler your air conditioning unit, the less hard it has to work, and that is money in your pocket.
Shade Trees Provide Winter Warmth
Many people do not realize that your shade trees can also provide you with winter warmth. While the winters in Boise are mild we still have cold, blustery days.
A viable strategy for winter warmth is to plant a row of evergreen conifers on the north and northwest sides of your home. This will provide your home with a windbreak, and will help to minimize the impact of cold, blustery winds.
For windbreak effectiveness, consider planting no more than two total tree heights from your home.
Our ISA Certified Arborist Shade Tree Recommendations
No matter where you live you’ll want to research your options for the best shade trees for your environment. You will want to consider the type of tree, the size they grow to, and which types of shade trees are best suited to your climate.
There are a number of shade trees that are best suited for Boise. These are large shade trees that fall into a Class 3 group. They can become quite large and will provide ample shade and windbreaks.
Some popular shade tree options in Boise include the Weeping Willow, Red Oak, and Black Cottonwood.
You can learn more about shade tree selection and class three trees at the City of Boise Parks and Recreation Website: Class III Trees. They provide a helpful information, terminology, and guides.
The Take Away
Any ISA Certified Arborist in Boise who is worth their salt will recommend an investment in shade trees for your home. Shade trees not only add to the beauty and character of your home and to your community, they provide energy savings. During the summer months shade trees help with lowering cooling costs. During the winter months, shade trees provide windbreak protection for your home which can lower warming costs.
Mountain West Arbor Care is at the ready when it comes time for you to plan the planting of your shade trees. One of our ISA Certified Arborists will walk your property with you, and listen to your concerns and suggestions. Afterward, we’ll make our recommendations and describe all of the services in advance. We’ll also offer you a no cost, no obligation quote.
Contact us today! We’re looking forward to working with you!