Beautiful, fully developed trees are some of Logan, Utah’s most valuable assets. But did you know that it takes decades (or even longer) for trees to grow all their gorgeous foliage and reach their admirable heights? Unfortunately, trees can be damaged or killed by a wide variety of construction activities. Careful planning and coordination with a professional tree care specialist can help reduce damage and save your trees.
Preventative Tree Care
The ISA Certified Arborists at Mountain West Arbor Care can’t tell you how many times we’ve visited newly constructed homes or development sites with a heavy heart. While homeowners are excited about their new construction plans, they often lose site of the existing trees on their property. Because of this, it’s very common to end up losing beautiful, mature trees during the construction phase of a project. That’s why it’s so important to consult with a certified arborist before a construction crew ever breaks ground.
Tree Root Zones
A damaged root system is one of the most common causes of mature tree death. Roots are a trees source of life and are instrumental in carrying water and nutrients throughout its structure. It’s important to understand that the root system can far extend the length of a trees beautiful canopy. If a root system gets damaged, the tree above will suffer. It’s as simple as that.
With most new construction projects, excavation or movement of soil is usually required using heavy equipment. Excavation is required when it comes to septic system work, grading or making way for a new driveway. It’s also needed to prepare the ground for a new building’s foundation. If a heavy equipment operator isn’t aware of where a tree’s root system begins or ends, they can do irreparable damage.
The solution: Have a certified arborist at Mountain West Arbor Care walk your property before any heavy equipment is used. As part of our preventative tree care services, we can mark the root zones of mature trees for heavy equipment operators to work around. We can also help speak with your construction foreman so that they understand the bigger picture when it comes to your property.
Cabling & Bracing
When it comes to preventative tree care, we often find that a tree would benefit from cabling and bracing. Cabling and bracing help to protect your tree from continuous, unnatural vibrations as a result of heavy machinery. It can also help to protect workers on your site, especially when the wind is blowing or the ground is soggy from recent rain or snowmelt.
*Keep in mind that when you purchase a heavily wooded lot, you will pay a steeper price. The last thing you would want to do is damage your investment due to wounded or dead trees. A certified arborist can provide you with a preventative tree care consultation in order to protect your wooded investment.
Contact Mountain West Arbor Care anytime you have a question or concern about your property’s trees. Our certified arborists would be more than happy to schedule a consultation and take a look around your property. We can also provide you with more information when it comes to your trees and how to preserve them. We will leave you with a preventative tree care plan before construction even begins. Call us at 1.800.767.8733 today!